Lina Ódena, the legend of the militiawoman who committed suicide, and the mayor of el prat

Eduard Vallès 18 November 1939. Camp de la Bota, Barcelona At a quarter to six in the morning Lluís Serra Giribert (Manresa, 1903 – Barcelona, 1939) was executed by firing squad at Camp de la Bota. He was 36. Born in Manresa, he was adopted by a well-to-do family in Horta de Sant Joan (Terra…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

The 130th anniversary of Torres-Garcia’s arrival in Barcelona (1892-2022): Torres-Garcia in the Museu Nacional‘s collections/2

Eduard Vallès This text is the continuation of the previous blogpost, which deals with the collection of works by the artist Joaquim Torres-García in the Museu Nacional. This year sees the 130th anniversary of the Uruguayan artist’s arrival in Barcelona and his settling down in the city where he lived – and trained as an…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

The 130th anniversary of Torres-Garcia’s arrival in Barcelona (1892-2022): Torres-Garcia in the Museu Nacional’s collections/1

Eduard Vallès In 2022 it is exactly 130 years since the artist Joaquim Torres-Garcia (Montevideo, 1874-1949) arrived in Barcelona. I feel the anniversary is the perfect excuse to shine the spotlight on one of the most international artists who worked – and also trained – in Catalonia. That is why we will write about his…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Picasso’s “poster”: festivities of La Mercè, Barcelona 1902

Eduard Vallès It is by now wholly unnecessary to insist on Picasso’s very close ties with Barcelona, but there are a few episodes unknown to the majority, or which at the very least have hardly ever been mentioned. This is the case with the “poster” that Picasso made for the festivities of La Mercè in…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Isidre Nonell & Josep Pla: the luminous herrings

Eduard Vallès This article has been published in Catalan and Spanish, with some variations, in the magazine Mirador de las Arts, 3 August 2020. This is not an article about Josep Pla, nor perhaps about Nonell, it is rather about the Nonell of Pla that, for different reasons, ends up being something else. It deals,…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

The Spanish Civil War at the Museu Nacional: New works, new artists

Eduard Vallès and Elena Llorens The Spanish Civil War was, without doubt, one of the bloodiest wars in the European history of the twentieth century and as such not only opened a deep wound in Spanish society but also left an indelible mark on the artistic production of the time, formally and thematically determining it….

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Nonell, between tradition and modernity: affinities and complicities /1

Eduard Vallès and Francesc Quílez The following sections are devoted to reproduce a selection  of works by Nonell. The works are divided into several sections that correspond to his main artistic interests and the themes he explored. Each of these centres of interest is illustrated by some of Nonell’s most outstanding pieces, linked to their…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Vidal Ventosa: Vallcarca, the Civil war and El Guayaba by Torres Campalans

Eduard Vallès There are characters who, without much fuss, appear behind countless cultural projects. One of the most solid cases in Catalan art is that of Miquel Utrillo, whose work had effects on heritage, art criticism and cultural initiatives of all kinds and the most difficult to measure, as the transmission of ideas or the…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Joaquim Mir & Picasso: Portraits, wild and solar

Eduard Vallès If there is a Catalan artist who evokes the painting of light like few others, it is Joaquim Mir (Barcelona 1873-1940). For example, the subliminal and almost dreamlike landscapes of the coasts of Mallorca, or the relentless sun over the landscapes of Tarragona, incorporate plastic values that transfer the painting to a high…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Mariano Andreu in the Museu Nacional

Mariano Andreu pintor

Eduard Vallès Since the end of last year the permanent rooms of the Museu Nacional have been exhibiting a couple of paintings by Mariano Andreu (Mataró, 1888 – Biarritz, 1976). Until recently, Andreu’s painting work was not present in the collections of the Museu Nacional (there are a couple of drawings and a print in…

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Author: Eduard Vallès