Tag: Isidre Nonell

Isidre Nonell & Josep Pla: the luminous herrings

Eduard Vallès This article has been published in Catalan and Spanish, with some variations, in the magazine Mirador de las Arts, 3 August 2020. This is not an article about Josep Pla, nor perhaps about Nonell, it is rather about the Nonell of Pla that, for different reasons, ends up being something else. It deals,…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Nonell, between tradition and modernity: affinities and complicities /2

Francesc Quílez i Eduard Vallès The banality of everyday life The major iconographic groups linked to the human figure that provided the vehicle enabling Nonell to find artistic elevation are, basically, those that represent the margins of society. However, in truth, a considerable proportion of Nonell’s production depicts his nearest environment, the urban artisan classes….

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Author: Francesc Quílez

Nonell, between tradition and modernity: affinities and complicities /1

Eduard Vallès and Francesc Quílez The following sections are devoted to reproduce a selection  of works by Nonell. The works are divided into several sections that correspond to his main artistic interests and the themes he explored. Each of these centres of interest is illustrated by some of Nonell’s most outstanding pieces, linked to their…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

Nonell in context. Beauty from the margins

Francesc Quílez and Eduard Vallès The Museu Nacional has published a book about Isidre Nonell, entitled Nonell. Visions from the margins. The publication is the catalogue, turned into a book, of the exhibition that the Museu Nacional had planned to open in May 2020 and that could not be done, due to the COVID-19 pandemic….

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Author: Francesc Quílez