Carracci’s frescoes under the microscope

Now, that the exhibition of the frescoes of the Herrera Chapel by Annibale Carracci has just finished, we take the opportunity to share some of the experiences and information, the result of observing samples of these paintings under the microscope. Usually, the magnification of the combinations of pigment particles in works of art provide images…

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Author: Núria Oriols

The periodic table through the rooms of the museum II

Estratigrafia d'una obra de Carracci

Núria Oriols We continue our visit to the museum’s rooms that we began in last week’s article. Renaissance and Baroque art rooms Preparations with clays As we move into a new room, we observe another change in the type of format. In the different sections of this period the majority of paintings are on canvas….

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Author: Núria Oriols

The periodic table through the rooms of the museum I

Detall d’Homenatge als elements d’Eugènia Balcells. A partir de la seva videoinstal·lació Freqüències

Núria Oriols The year 2019 was declared International Year of the Periodic Table by UNESCO. It commemorated the 150th anniversary of a system to organize and classify the 63 chemical elements that were then known, designed by the Russian chemist Dmitri I. Mendeleev. He based it on atomic mass, and left gaps in which to…

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Author: Núria Oriols

The mural painting transfer kitchen

Cheese, milk, gelatin and flour could be some of the ingredients placed on the desks in Franco Steffanoni’s restoration workshop. We are not talking about a cook here, but a restorer who works with works of art –to be precise, with material patrimonial assets (for nobody can deny that culinary dishes are works of art…

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Author: Núria Oriols

Taking a close look at the Christ of Sant Climent de Taüll

Sant Climent de Taüll

How many times have we seen this image? Many, for sure. And more so, taking into account that it has recently been very present in the press. The discovery of the remains of paint, or the deeper layers, has been in the news, in the church itself of Sant Climent de Taüll and also the…

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Author: Núria Oriols