Category: Exhibitions

Active archives, dynamic archives, artistic archives

Montse Frisach In recent years, archives have taken on a predominant role in contemporary artistic practices. Many artists often work with archive materials or even with the idea of the archive as the central argument of their works. Furthermore, museums and artistic institutions have also become aware that their archives should not just be simple…

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Author: Montse Frisach

Lina Ódena, the legend of the militiawoman who committed suicide, and the mayor of el prat

Eduard Vallès 18 November 1939. Camp de la Bota, Barcelona At a quarter to six in the morning Lluís Serra Giribert (Manresa, 1903 – Barcelona, 1939) was executed by firing squad at Camp de la Bota. He was 36. Born in Manresa, he was adopted by a well-to-do family in Horta de Sant Joan (Terra…

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Author: Eduard Vallès

The Heartbeat of Nature. Drawings from the 19th century from the Museu Nacional collection

Francesc Quílez and Aleix Roig Images of the exhibition. Photo: Marta Mérida The exhibition The Heartbeat of Nature has been put together from the different elements arising from the artist’s relationship with nature. The connecting thread is work on paper, present in the six sections of the exhibition, in which the nearly 80 pieces are…

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Author: Francesc Quílez and Aleix Roig

Nature and modern artistic sensibility

Francesc Quílez and Aleix Roig The exhibition The Heartbeat of Nature is intended to be an immersive experience, given that it immerses us in the relationship, the very close contact, that in the nineteenth century artists established with the physical environment, and how this connection was transformed into a very fruitful response, which gave rise…

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Author: Francesc Quílez and Aleix Roig

The fresco paintings by Annibale Carracci and his assistants, conserved in the Museu Nacional: removal, transferral and shipping from Rome to Barcelona

Paz Marqués Madrid, Barcelona and Rome are the venues for a travelling exhibition curated by Andrés Úbeda, deputy director of the Museo del Prado, with the aim of bringing together an extraordinary group of paintings composed of the fragments of fresco mural paintings, which have been removed, and an altar panel. They were originally in…

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Author: Paz Marquès

From Catalonia to Ukraine. From 1936 to 2022. Wars and heritage

Mireia Capdevila and Francesc Vilanova Curators of the exhibition The Museum in Danger! The Safeguarding and Organization of Catalan Art During the Civil War, MNAC, July 2021-February 2022 From the autumn of 1934, with the creation of a modern, functional and comprehensive museum of art at the service of the country, thanks to the efforts…

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Author: Mireia Capdevila and Francesc Vilanova

“Good Hope” dressed with the sun

Joan Yeguas In the current exhibition Maternasis, curated by Àlex Mitrani, and which can be visited at the Museu Nacional until 25 September 2022, you can see a Virgin of Good Hope. The work has been chosen as a symbolic and explicit representation of the gestation of the Virgin’s pregnancy, a subject little known by…

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Author: Joan Yeguas

Sound itinerary for the exhibition “Turner. Light is colour”

Redacció museu Turner. Light is Colour is the first exhibition that the Museu Nacional dedicates to the extraordinary work of the British artist Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851). The exhibition is a journey through the most atmospheric landscapes of the artist, and brings together more than a hundred paintings, watercolours, drawings and notebooks from the…

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Author: Redacció museu

Anything is a lightning conductor but lightning

Antonio Ortega The instructions given to a novice draftsman to transfer notions of perspective to the composition of the drawing are very simple and intuitive: close to the horizon is far away, far from the horizon is near; large is near, small is far away, and we could continue with a list of other similar…

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Author: Antonio Ortega

Towards Modernity: the Fine Art Exhibitions in Barcelona

Manel Garcia Clavero Between 1888 and 1911 Barcelona experienced one of the most important artistic episodes of the modern age. It was a moment when institutional and public awareness of culture was awakened, an initiative that was part of the wish to make the city a capital on a par with the great European centres….

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Author: Manel Garcia