Tag: Renaixement

“Good Hope” dressed with the sun

Joan Yeguas In the current exhibition Maternasis, curated by Àlex Mitrani, and which can be visited at the Museu Nacional until 25 September 2022, you can see a Virgin of Good Hope. The work has been chosen as a symbolic and explicit representation of the gestation of the Virgin’s pregnancy, a subject little known by…

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Author: Joan Yeguas

Vittoria Colonna, «the most famous woman in Italy»

Pilar Vélez Vittoria Colonna was a woman with a great personality, a poetess, and according to some authors, “the most famous woman in Italy”. On one hand she was the daughter of Fabrizio Colonna and Agnese da Montefeltro, and the granddaughter of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. And on the other, she was the…

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Author: Z_ Guest blogger

About the exhibition “The Divine Morales”

Joan Yeguas The exhibition of the painter Luis de Morales’ work is making its third and last stop on its tour at our museum. Organized in collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado and the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao, where it has already been seen, it will remain open in Barcelona until 25th…

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Author: Joan Yeguas

Imported Art in Renaissance Catalonia

Martí Casas Ever since the world began, art has been a traveller. The news these days about auctions and the buying and selling of works of art may lead us to think that the importing and exporting of paintings, sculptures or jewellery is a relatively recent activity that emerged in the 19th century with the…

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Author: Martí Casas

Curiosities of the collection: Renaissance and Baroque

With this post we will be continuing with the series of Curiosities of the collection. We dedicated the first article to Modern Art. Did you know that the modernity of El Greco was due to the mixture of two expressionist trends of the 16th century? El Greco was a formal expressionist (thanks to Venice) and…

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Author: Redacció museu