9 notes about innovation and change (in less than 140 characters)

Conxa Rodà
Rethinking the artist Santiago Rusiñol
Rethinking the artist Santiago Rusiñol
  1. The ancient ones already said so: “Novare aut perire” either we innovate or we stagnate and, therefore, we die from involution
  2. A tip for directors: explore the internal talent of your organisation before going out and looking for it elsewhere. Afterwards, mix them
  3. The cost of not innovating, or when saving on innovation means bread for today, hunger for tomorrow: a necessary reflection in times of crisis
  4. Innovation does not equal to Technology. Innovation is an attitude: open-minded people that generate ideas for continuous improvement. Technology makes it easy and projects it
  5. Overcome resistance to change, a need and a strategy
Rethinking the artist Santiago Rusiñol
A breakthrough way of putting art in value, exhibition Francesc Torres. Photo Marta Mérida
  • Think before doing. For positive progress in organisations, generating fast change signifies a well thought out strategy
  • The good karma of 2.0: the more you share the more you grow (applicable to people and to organizations)
  • An organisation that shares is an organisation that multiplies its knowledge (and its CSR, its SEO, its ROI and all the acronyms!)
  • Basic guide for non-innovation:
    – don’t become visitor-centred: people don’t really know what they want. You better decide for them.
    – keep always doing the same things in exactly the same way
    – don’t take risks, despise experimentation, go for what’s a sure win
    – break off informal channels of inner communication (it’s just a waste of time)
    – cut any attempt of expressing a different view or a criticism
    – cut off expenses in training (who needs it when we know our job so well)
    – going digital? what for? We’ve been doing great without it!
  • Tablets and apps, digital technology at the service of mediation for diverse audiences
    Tablets and apps, digital technology at the service of mediation for diverse audiences
    Apps Museu Nacional
    Apps, digital technology at the service of mediation for diverse audiences

    Innovation in the Museu Nacional

    Over the next few years in the Museu Nacional we will continue innovating in the different aspects of the strategic deployment and in a special way in the following four areas:

    • collection: we will extend throughout the museum the new way of presenting the collection with a contextual and multi-disciplinary museography and not simply lineal, as we have already done with the new presentations of the Modern Art and Renaissance and Baroque
    Renaissance and Baroque collection
    Renaissance and Baroque collection
    Comic in the Modern Art galleries
    Comic in the Modern Art galleries
    • audiences: we will work on achieving an action much more focused on the participation of various audiences, aimed at the community and leading to co-creation
    • digital: we will intensify the use of digital technology as a vehicle for mediation and for enriching the visitor experience.  We will progressively apply, among others, interactive elements, virtual reality, immersive mixed reality, digital storytelling, and gamafication. Work will be done on open data (open data for sharing the metadata of the collection of the museum with third parties, allowing in this way the generation of new knowledge and new contents).
    Visitor with multimedia audio guide in the Renaissance and Baroque room
    Visitor with multimedia audio guide in the Renaissance and Baroque room
    • internal management: understanding that innovation is an attitude, training and collaborative work will be fostered so as to make up an organisation of open-minded people who generate ideas for continual improvement.
    Internal strategy meeting in an unusual place, under the organ
    Internal strategy meeting in an unusual place, under the organ

    We are in a passionate moment. Together – as an internal team, in partnership with third parties and also in the net–, we will innovate better.

    If you are undergoing a process of change, what would you say is your greatest difficulty? Do you have any innovative experience you would like to share, either from your organisation or one you know?

    Related links

    Four Simple Steps For Defining Your Company’s Innovation Vision, Forbes

    Public Innovation: Open, Social, Cultural, Alberto Ortiz, blog del CCCBLab

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    Conxa Rodà
    Co-directora del Curs d'Estratègia Digital_UOC_Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya Co-directora del congrés CIMED de Museos y Estrategias Digitales

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