Tag: audiences

2016 at the Museu Nacional: a visual review

Here is a visual review of 2016 at the Museu Nacional. It has been a year of intense activity during which we have concentrated on the construction of a more open and social museum. One of the most outstanding events of the year has been the growth of the collection of medieval material, thanks to…

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Author: Redacció museu

Listening to the visitors. Focus Groups in the Museu Nacional

Emma Vandellós When I became responsible for the Area of Brand and Development of the Museum in March 2016, which forms part of the Department of Marketing and Communication, one of the first questions I asked was: do we really know what our visitors want?  And the answer was no. Many times we define marketing…

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Author: Emma Vandellós

Family gathering at the museum, a summertime festivity

Cristina Riera Today we will tell you about a leisure and summer activity.  This July we have held the fifth edition of the “Family gathering” event in which the workers of the museum were able to participate accompanied by our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. The festivity followed the same format as in the previous…

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Author: Cristina Riera

The Museum is yours: a programme open to collectives

Elisabet Pueyo Collaborative spirit, participation, dynamism, friendship, commitment, research, identity, culture, etc., these are for sure the characteristics that the great majority of associations and entities that make up the networks of associations in Catalonia want to identify with. And that’s why we have wanted to focus in a special way on these associations and…

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Author: Elisabet Pueyo

Working with audiences: “how to be curious and not die trying”

Pepe Zapata Audiences and Culture.  Even though the event was not specifically about museums, there were keynotes such as the one by the British Museum. Furthermore, many of the principles and experiences presented highly apply to the museums’ sphere.  Thank you very much, Pepe, for this good synthesis and for having highlighted many good cases…

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Author: Z_ Guest blogger

“The museum in family”, approaching the new generations

Cristina Riera The festive gathering The museum in family is an annual meeting in which the workers of the museum participate with our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, etc. On a Monday, in the afternoon, with the museum closed, we share the spaces of work and galleries, in a relaxed atmosphere and one of conviviality….

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Author: Cristina Riera

In conversation with Sree, Chief Digital Officer of the Met Museum

Conxa Rodà Berlin has been the place where I’ve finally met Sree Sreenivasan, the Met’s Chief Digital Officer. I had been following him on twitter for a while, as well as reading his many presentations and some interviews. A year and a half after being appointed by the Met, his work is well known among…

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Author: Conxa Rodà

The 5 most-read posts in the first year of the blog

Every Thursday for a year, in this blog we have been sharing the “secrets” of the museum’s day-to-day working. The process of creating and putting on exhibitions, the restoration of works, the challenges posed by digital innovation, innovative methods of management, as well as knowledge capsules about the collection, have made up the content. All…

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Author: Redacció museu

To innovate is to create value

Alfons Cornella In the context of rethinking the museum and extending the internal reflection and debate, we invited Alfons Cornella, an expert in innovation, to give a talk to the staff and to be guest author of the blog. Below you will also find the complete video of his stimulating talk. Innovating is not a…

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Author: Z_ Guest blogger

15 Tech trends in museums in 2015 /1

Conxa Rodà Technology, we all know and experience, evolves very quickly. Some advances have become well rooted and extended at a breakneck speed. Others that it seemed would do so have been left aside on the way. This suggests a certain prudence prior to embarking our museum on new developments, channels or functionalities, but without…

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Author: Conxa Rodà