The Friends of the Museu Nacional join us on the #GivingTuesday

Anna Fabra

For the first time in our country, the #GivingTuesday, A Day to give, will be held on December 1st 2015, the day dedicated to the action of giving. This is a global movement which counts on the presence of more than 70 countries, which for the past four years has been celebrated on the first Tuesday of December.

The aim of #GivingTuesday is to dedicate a day to the whole of the world to celebrate the action of giving, either with food, money, time (volunteering), second-hand objects, etc.  But above all, with the perspective of being a starting point for continuing to give and promoting philanthropy the other 364 days of the year.

Where has the initiative come from?

The idea of the #GivingTuesday emerged in 2012 from the NGO 92Y Street of New York, dedicated for more than 100 years to social works, and of the United Nations Foundation, which has provided its experience in the strategy and diffusion of solidarity projects.

The initiative is carried out by means of a website platform which  provides visibility in a joint way to solidarity projects and aims to mobilise all the citizens, families, organisations and companies so that they contribute to this world day of donation day.  Each participating country has its own platform, and in ours you can find it at

From among the projects that have a presence, there are social, educational, sports, environmental, health, scientific and international cooperation projects, and there are also cultural ones, such as the one of the Friends of the Museu Nacional!

The participation of the Friends of the Museu Nacional

What is our aim?

The Friends of the Museu Nacional are participating in this first edition of the #GivingTuesday with the aim of raising funds for the educational and social projects of the museum. All the money that is collected in the form of new Friends will be totally destined to providing support to these projects which are so vital for the museum. The new membership fees go from €18 to €2,000, and you can consult all the categories.

Photo: Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

The Friends of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

For around the past 20 years, the Friends of the Museu Nacional have been working on spreading and getting our artistic heritage closer to the people.  With this aim in mind, we organise various activities (commented visits, talks and conferences, excursions, trips, etc.). This participation of the citizens in the cultural life produces intangible benefits which undoubtedly lead to a positive impact on our society.

Furthermore, as Friends we also contribute to generating a Philanthropic cultural citizenship thanks to the campaigns of collective funding for acquiring and restoring works of art, for purchasing books for the library or for providing support for the educational and social projects of the Museu Nacional.

So far, the Friends of the Museu Nacional have carried out various campaigns of support in the museum such as the following:

  • Collective funding campaign for acquiring The prayer by Marià Fortuny, carried out between April and September More than 240 patrons participated and we managed to collect the €45,000 necessary for purchasing this drawing from 1872 that, for many years, had remained in the hands of private collectors.

Marià Fortuny, The Prayer, cap a 1871-1872

  • Campaign +Friends, +books! for raising funds for facing the priority acquisition of books for the Folch i Torres Library of history of art of the museum, in April 2015, within the framework of the Day of the Book. More than 180 patrons participated and €7,781 was raised, surpassing the initial target of €6,000!
  • And, for this month of December, we are preparing a campaign for raising funds destined for the educational and social projects of the Museu Nacional. This campaign was carried out by means of two specific actions: as well as the one we are commenting of the new Friends that we will be doing this next #GivingTuesday, the other action will take place on the weekend of December 19th and 20th, during the Christmas of the Museu Nacional [LINK] during which free of charge shows will take place in the Sala Oval of the museum for all the family.

And, moreover, the #GivingTuesday Challenge

#GivingTuesday is a movement that is moved mainly by means of the social networks, and is accompanied by an action that everyone can do so as to make the movement and its campaign known.

Photo: #GivingTuesday

Photo: #GivingTuesday

The idea is to do a selfie with the poster of #GivingTuesday, that can be downloaded from the platform, and to post it on the social networks with the hashtag #GivingTuesday. Do you feel like joining in?

To sum up, becoming a Friend of the Museu Nacional on December 1st makes more sense than ever! All the donations we receive on that day will be completely destined to educational and socials projects of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

Let’s make the museum together!

Anna Fabra, Friends of the Museu Nacional

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