New web content, the most viewed, the most shared


This last Thursday of August we are resuming the blog once again.  We propose a selection of new content and those of the website and the blog that have been most visited or shared during the summer.

We have renewed the section of activities

The website is a live tool, continually being renewed.  Not only are the contents updated but new ones are also posted.  Many changes are made that can’t be seen for improving the user experience.  Some can only be experimented, while others can be perceived.  This summer, for example, we have renewed the section of activities and the agenda of the homepage and we have introduced a new functionality: in the section “at a glance” you can see what is happening at the museum on the day you want to visit us.

Section of activities

Section of activities home home

Most consulted pages

Metrics tend to show that the practical information, such as opening times, prices, discount and free-of-charge activities, and how to get here, is what is consulted most in websites, alongside latest information.  And the museum is no exception.

The page which has been accessed most times this summer has been the one of the current exhibition, Ismael Smith, the beauty and the monsters, which takes an in-depth look at the trajectory of this artist, with a restless and varied work which gradually fell into oblivion. An interesting an unmissable exhibition that you’ve still got time to visit until 1September 17th.

Other latest news: one of the most seen articles of the blog is the one that provides news about an acquisition, thanks to funding from the Fundació Palarq, of an exceptional work by Lluís Dalmau. We refer here to the The Beheading of Saint Baudilus, which comes from the main old altarpiece of the parish church of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Baix Llobregat), one of Dalmau’s few works conserved.

The Beheading of Saint Baudilus (detail), Lluís Dalmau, circa1448

The Beheading of Saint Baudilus (detail), Lluís Dalmau, circa 1448

  • But the metrics also provide surprises and reveal more deep-down interests of the users. Two virtual tours, apparently opposite in characters, have caught the attention of the virtual visitors: At a glance and From comic strip to comic strip, two different ways of approaching the collection.

At a glance presents 35 works that allow you to get to know very closely the diversity and wealth of the museum’s collection: from the Romanesque to the Avantgarde: from mural painting to the treasures of coins; from the Master of Sant Climent de Taüll to Salvador Dalí.

At a Glance

At a glance virtual tour

From cartoon strip to cartoon strip proposes a tour in the form of a comic of the modern art collection by students from the Escola Joso. Centre de Còmic i Arts Visuals. The cartoon artists interpret the works by producing a cartoon strip making a version of the work, explaining some fragment of a prior or subsequent moment of what the work explains, proposing 7 differences, etc.

From cartoon strip to cartoon strip virtual tour

From cartoon strip to cartoon strip virtual tour

These are two complementary ways of visiting the museum, both virtually and in person.

The videos most seen and shared

If we judge the number of viewings of the different videos we have posted, apart from the most promotional types, such as, for example the one of reasons to come to the museum, we should talk of two, that at the same time represent two of the most important axes of the role of a museum nowadays: the collection and its social mission.

Regarding the collection itself, one of the favourite videos is the one which explains the process that, step by step, the artists follow when producing a mural painting step by step. We could therefore say, that it shows what “is hidden behind” the mural paintings that afterwards you will be able to see in the museum and that help us to become aware of the enormity of the task that the medieval masters and their workshops had when they had to decorate whole Romanesque churches in the Catalan Pyrenees.

The second, surely because it is impacting to see how that youngest ones live and express their experience with art, is the documentary Tandem, art at school, the protagonists being the girls and boys of the neighbouring Escola Miquel Bleach. For three years, the Tandem Project has enriched the educational experience, the quality of the learning and the improvement of the academic results through art and heritage. The close collaboration between the museum and the school meant a methodological change focused on project work in which art and artistic heritage have been the centre of the learning.

Children from the school Miquel Bleach

Children from the school Miquel Bleach

All these facts, globally, help us in the decision-making about what we should publish, how we should do so, in which platform, in which languages, and through which channels we should address the users, etc.  Above all, they explain to us what users’ interests are, how you want to consume the information, how you communicate with us…all in all, what you expect from us and a guide for how we should do so.

And, should you want to stay connected to the museum, you can choose from among our various social networks, blog and eNewsletter.

What topics would you be interested in finding more content about on the website or in the blog?

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