#MuseumWeek 2017


Henri Meunier, Thé Rajah. 1897

Museums from all over the world participated in #MuseumWeek, from 19th to 25th June this year. During this event more than 4,200 museums from the five continents synchronized the contents to concentrate on Twitter  the chats generated around some specific topics for each day of the week. This was the fourth edition in which our museum has taken part.

7 days, 7 topics, 7 hashtags and a transversal theme

The 7 topics of the museum week 2017 were: #foodMW, #sportsMW, #musicMW, #storiesMW, #booksMW, #travelsMW and #heritageMW.

 As an example of support for gender equality, and in the form of a novelty, a transversal theme was chosen for the whole week: women and culture, with the tag #womenMW.

 Here we offer you a selection of the most viewed tweets of the museum, the ones which generated more chats, during the #MuseumWeek:









Some global figures

Worldwide, 373,149 publications were generated with the tag #MuseumWeek, with the  National Gallery being the most influential participant. #Museumweek and #WomenMW became trending topics.

Spain generated 35,215 posts and the Museo Reina Sofía became the most influential participant.

The impact in our museum

Participating in the Museum Week has helped us to create greater interaction with the current public who follow us, double the number compared with the same period for last month, and we have gained visibility.  It represents a notable editorial effort, both in terms of planning, and regarding the creation of content, which we believe can be seen to be compensated by the relevance that all the museums have gained during these days.

The total number of visualizations of our museum’s  tweets was 82,194.

Tweets with the most visualisations during the week: 3,300 and 2,652 respectively

We had a total of 1,270 interactions, that is to say, clicks to links, retweets, replies and favourites.  The average number of interactions per day was 63 to links and 78 favourites.

The reflection for us to make is to see if next year we can improve these results: creating and making known works and lesser known aspects of the activity of the museum, foreseeing a wider programming in Spanish and English could be factors that help us to achieve this.

Did you follow #MuseumWeek? What topics would you propose for next year’s edition?

Related link

Women in Culture: 3 questions to Mechtild Rössler, from @UNESCO


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