#MuseumWeek 2015: main content points


#inspirationMW Museu Nacional d'Art de CatalunyaFor the second consecutive year, the Museu Nacional has participated in the #MuseumWeek 2015 initiative, a global event in which more than 2.800 museums around the world have synchronised and concentrated all the conversations generated around museum activities on Twitter during only one week.

Why participate in #MuseumWeek?

The Museu Nacional believes that social networks are key to citizen participation, that is why we think this initiative is a unique opportunity for all museums to open up to the world and talk with their users and potential followers. Initiatives like these don’t only allow us to strengthen our presence in social networks and connect audiences with our content, but they also help us generate specific dynamics and receive interesting feedback so that we can improve our communication strategy in digital environments. These are the main reasons for participating:

  1. It serves as a platform for the work carried out by all the departments in the museum, including those that are less visible to the visitor and in that way ensures collaboration with departments that are unaccustomed to the business of content creation.
  2. It allows us to generate discussion with users and organisations of all kinds and, as a consequence, obtain useful feedback in regards to taste, concerns and questions, to then ensure satisfaction with content that is more adapted to their interests.
  3. As the activity takes place only on Twitter, it’s the best opportunity in the year to unleash the hidden creative and innovative potential of the teams that are responsible for generating content for social networks.

The planning: 5 keys to generating interesting content

#secretsMW, #souvenirsMW, #architectureMW, #inspirationMW, #familyMW, #favMW and #poseMW are the 7 themes that have structured #Museumweek. With this premise, the communication team’s challenge was to think up ways of how they could creatively and innovatively present the museum to the users. These have been the 5 keys to the process:

  1. Involve all of the museum’s departments: on the sixth day (#favMW) different museum departments that do not usually deal directly with the collection were asked what their 5 favourite works were. On the second day (#souvenirsMW) the Business Management Department was asked to comment on relevant content about shop management. Such simple dynamics make museum staff who are not accustomed to this type of action aware of Social Network content generation.
  2. Generate visual content: with the purpose of improving the scope and visibility of content and enhancing the museum’s heritage, the majority of content that has been generated has been based on visual resources such as photo albums, creations and GIFs.
  3. Present the collection in an original way: in line with the museum’s Modern Art collection communication plan, during the fourth day (#inspirationMW) we showed works from our collection in an unconventional way.
  4. Scheduling content: this is useful for not only seeing how messages are distributed throughout the week, but also to have an overview of the thematic approach, so as to avoid repeating content or formats.
  5. Monitor content: not only to be able to immediately react to comments, but also to adapt content to conversations that spontaneously emerge, based on internal and external input.

Planning is what has allowed us to get such satisfying results this year: more than 50 tweets published in total and approximately 1,500 interactions generated amongst all participants has meant that this year’s #MuseumWeek has not only contributed to the growth of the community, but it has also bought us closer to it and allowed us to get to know it better. Thanks to our new knowledge about the interests and tastes of our followers and the planning and organisation of content that we have carried out, this year we have managed to diversify our content with more innovative formats and construct inspiring messages that appeal to users’ emotional experience.

The following are some examples of the best tweets that we have generated and the best entries we’ve received. What content did you most like? What issues were missing from our content? What parts of the museum would you like to get to know better and see in next year’s programme?

See you at the next #MuseumWeek!

Tweets generated by @museunac_cat during #MuseumWeek 2015

Mentions generated by users during #MuseumWeek 2015

Related links

#MuseumWeek 2015 – That’s a Wrap!, Mar Dixon

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