Museum Quiz Summer Tour, trivial pursuit for museums


Museum Quiz

Five museums in Barcelona have once again joined forces this summer to propose an enjoyable joint activity: the Museum Quiz Summer Tour. Do you want to play?, a trivial pursuit for teams that has been held every Wednesday evening in July in each of the five museums.

Moment del concurs al Museu Nacional

A moment during the quiz at the Museu Nacional

The Museum Quiz Summer Tour is based on the pub quiz, a questions and answers quiz for teams that is typically held in pubs in Great Britain, so successfully that it has spread all over the world. The five museums, the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, the Museu Marítim de Barcelona, the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, have adapted this game, which consists of three rounds of different questions and answers at a level similar to Trivial Pursuit.

The questions are on aspects often related to the theme of each museum, in a relaxed atmosphere, drinking beer. The Quizmaster, in charge of presenting and enlivening the contest, was the actor and comedian Albert Montes.

Here are 20 questions from the quiz that was held in the museum. Do you fancy playing? The answers to the questions are given at the end.

Questions. See how many you get right!

1. Where was an organ heard being played for the first time in Barcelona outside an ecclesiastical site?

a. In the Liceu
b. In the Palau de la Música
c. In the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

The organ in the Museu Nacional, unveiled in 1929 and enlarged with 2,500 pipes in 1955

The organ in the Museu Nacional, unveiled in 1929 and enlarged with 2,500 pipes in 1955

2. During which period was a selection of medieval works from the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya’s collection exhibited in Paris in order to safeguard them?

a. 1931-1934
b. 1937-1939
c. 1939-1940

3. The actor Bruno Oro is the grandson of a painter to whom the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya dedicated a temporary exhibition. What painter is it?

4. In what year and for which major event was the Montjuïc Olympic Stadium built?

5. What is the title of the earliest known recipe book of Catalan cookery (1324)?

a. Llibre d’aparellar de menjar
b. Afarta pobres, afarta richs
c. Llibre de Sent Soví

6. Which painting by Joaquim Mir shows the basilica of the Sagrada Família when the work to build it had just begun?

7.Where is Gala Dalí buried?

a. Torre Galatea
b. The cemetery in Cadaqués
c. Púbol castle

GGala with Elsa Schiaparelli’s shoe-hat inspired by a Salvador Dalí design.

Gala with Elsa Schiaparelli’s shoe-hat inspired by a Salvador Dalí design. 1938. André Caillet. París. Image Rights of Gala et Salvador Dalí reserved. Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2018.

8. What artist opened a drawing and painting academy for women in Carrer Gran de Gràcia in 1911, when women had no access to a complete art education?

9. Which painting by Picasso was reinterpreted in 2015 on the theme of refugees?


10. What is the problem that has caused Pablo Gargallo’s “The Violinist” to be restored?

a. Lead corrosion due to incompatibility of materials
b. The loss of part of the work
c. The hand holding the violin has broken

Pablo Gargallo, El violinista, 1920

Pablo Gargallo, El violinista, 1920

11. Which film about art is this song from?

12. What was the original purpose of the room that is now the restaurant in the Museu Nacional?

13. Many works from the turn of the 20th century show disturbing marginalized figures, staring blankly and drunk. Which drink caused these effects?

14. What was the great feat by King James I the Conqueror that is depicted on the mural frieze in our Gothic Art collection?

15. In medieval art which two Greek letters are associated with Jesus Christ?

Mestre de Taüll, Absis de Sant Climent de Taüll, cap a 1123. Detall

Master of Taüll, Apse of Sant Climent de Taüll, around 1123. Detail

16. In 1954 the Roller Hockey World Championships were held in Barcelona. Where?

a. Palau Nacional
b. Palau dels Esports
c. The rink in the Montjuïc funfair

Campionat del Món d’hoquei patins

17. On es va enregistrar el videoclip del single “Apeshit” de Beyoncé i Jay-Z ?

Beyoncé i Jay-Z

18. Where was the video of the single ‘Apeshit’ by Beyoncé and Jay-Z filmed?

a. 30.247
b. 50.000
c. 10.200

Marià Fortuny. La Pregària, cap a 1871-1872

Marià Fortuny. The Prayer, cap a 1871-1872

19. Around 1900 bohemian artists used to meet in the Montmartre district (Paris). Which entertainment venue did they go to, seen in the background of this painting?

20. A director from Barcelona has this year had a film released about the sister of a well-known Surrealist artist. Who is the director?

Photo: Els films de la Rambla

Congratulations to the winners of the Museum Quiz Summer Tour that was held at the museum, and many thanks to all the teams who took part in it, and to those of you playing from the blog!


1.The Palau de la Música
Ramon Pichot
1929 for the International Exposition
Llibre de Sent Soví
6.The Beggars Cathedral
7.Púbol Castle
Lluïsa Vidal
El Guernica
10.Lead corrosion due to incompatibility of materials 
12.The Throne Room
14.The Conquest of Mallorca
15.Alfa and Omega
16.The Palau Nacional
17.The Museu du Louvre
Moulin de la Galette
Ventura Pons
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