Articket new website: collaborative spirit applying science

Elisabet Pueyo

In 1998 a collaborative idea was born which was boosted by the main art museums of the city that, after more than 15 years, is more alive than ever: a unique admission ticket for visiting the best 6 art museums of Barcelona. This is the Articket brand and it is made up of: MACBA (Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona), CCCB (Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona), Museu Picasso, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Fundació Joan Miró and Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

At a time in which the offer in the city is so diverse and rich, even though it is also rather dispersed, Articket covers a need: to facilitate the decision-making of the foreign visitor so as to get to know the city through its art.

Once the tasks of redefining this positioning had been carried out, and the decision had been taken on focusing the product on the tourist audience, we renewed the creative concept and the image, orienting ourselves especially towards the travelling experience of the international visitor: Articket adopts the form of a passport of art.  We don’t want it to only be a card to use and discard, but that the travellers take away, inside their suitcase of their return home, a part of Barcelona, the Barcelona of art in capital letters.

And with the same decision, we tackled the process of revamping of the website, To be coherent with the need covered by the product and to use the website as a major channel of communication, but also of a means of selling.


First step:  we first of all needed to know the users digital behavior.  How to do so?  By means of a SEO audit report (Search Engine Optimization) of the previous website, which has provided us with hints and clues that were useful for the approach:

  • 40 % of the consultations are carried out in English
  • 45% of the visits come from references of websites with a lot of credibility. The websites of the 6 museums!
  • The organic search was hardly contributing anything at all
  • On social networks (TripAdvisor, etc.) we were surprisingly very well referenced
  • It warned us that the keywords had not been correctly defined and that it was necessary to broaden the contents so as to be relevant.


Second step: to know in which sector we are moving and where the user located us when carrying out searches. How?  By elaborating an Analysis Report of Keywords, in English and French, so as to get to know how the international users browse.  And we were thus able to obtain more clues:

  • In the sector the term Articket isn’t used
  • The combination ticket, called museum pass is however relevant, as well as Barcelona museums, buy pass, Barcelona art
  • The importance of searches related to words from the sector of tourism such as visit Barcelona, sightseeing, fly to Barcelona
  • Words such as Picasso and Miró are relevant, as well the names of the centres being searched for translated to the languages of the search.

SEO Strategy

Third step: based on the information collected and analyzed, it has been necessary to define a search engine optimization strategy, or SEO, as a basic strategy of what should be reflected in the website through these pillars:

  1. To establish 4 key concepts on which the menu of the website should be structured: Barcelona museum pass, How to buy the passport, Where to buy the passport and the best art museums of Barcelona.
  2. To define our own personality and writing style that responds to the questions of the potential purchaser when being informed in the website.
  3. To also have present the call to action, not as a topic of “commercial aggressiveness” but as a facilitator of the task the user wants to carry out: to purchase a museum pass.
  4. To provide the maximum value of what the main asset of the Articket is: the 6 museums which are included in it. Therefore, the continual presence and reference of the website Articket regarding the websites of the museums and the other way round, of the individual websites towards Articket.

Design and launching

Fourth step:  the design of the website based on the wireframes which contain the SEO on-page strategy. Once this has been well defined, the creativity and the design of this website has emerged in an almost automatic way.  We would like to highlight here the good joint work of the talents of the participating agencies: Trigital, in the digital strategy, and Petit Comité in the creativity and renovation of the image.

And as the following steps that already underway and with rapid results, a strategy of social media has been established that boosts and promotes the museum pass from a perspective of service by offering complementary information, routes and experiences. Articket has active profiles on Twitter: and on Facebook:

We foresee extending the languages, coherent with the market demands as well as integrated plan of online media once the current supports have been tried and tested.

This year, 2015, with Articket just about reaching adult age, the collaborative spirit has been maintained more than ever, the teamwork has been reinforced, and the fact that we demand of ourselves results based on the digital science which, all in all, is an art in itself!

Related links

MACBA (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona)
Museu Picasso
Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Fundació Joan Miró
CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona)
Barcelona turisme

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Elisabet Pueyo

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