Tag: exhibitions @en

2017 at the Museu Nacional: a visual summary

We present you with a visual review of our 2017 at the Museu Nacional. It has been a year of intense activity centred on the renovation works of the Renaissance and Baroque, of shaking up the collection and in the form of the temporary exhibitions, strengthening ties at a local and International level.  Working for…

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Author: Redacció museu

Christmas in the museum

These holidays, come to the museum! We have lots of activities for all publics.  You can also download the tale of Little Red Riding Hood to read it and paint it with the family.  And for those of you who like photography, you can participate in the contest #CapsaEntròpica_concurs on Instagram. Do you feel like…

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Author: Redacció museu

Towards an unfinished museography

Lluís Alabern Artworks have various lives; those that they live during their time, in their context, and those which live outside their times, in new periods. We owe the rupture of the unidirectionality and temporal coherence of the History of Art to the thinkers such as Aby Warburg or Walter Benjamin. Under the protection of…

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Author: Lluís Alabern

By courier for the exhibition Gaudí. Barcelona 1900 to Brazil

Vicenç Martí & Carles Pongiluppi In the exhibition Gaudí. Barcelona 1900, held in Florianópolis (Brazil) from 25th August until 30th October 2016, travelling afterwards to Sao Paolo, around fifty works were sent from the collection of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, from paintings on canvas of different formats, to plaster and bronze sculptures, including…

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Author: Vicenç Martí

The story of an experience at the Tate after the Postgraduate course in Museum Management

Mercè Giralt As a former student in the second year of the Postgraduate course in Museum Management, I would like to take the opportunity to share here one of the best experiences I have had in the field of museums and which I would probably not have had without first studying this programme. Thanks to…

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Author: Z_Estudiants en pràctiques de Postgraus i Màsters

Ecodesign in the Museums: guidelines and examples

Within the rich universe of the temporary exhibitions, we live in a process of packing and unpacking. The majority of museums and cultural centres of the world, and especially the art museums, allocate one or more rooms to programming a series of exhibitions each season, each with a start and finishing date. Constructing for deconstructing,…

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Author: Z_ Guest blogger