Seeing art from a more inclusive perspective


Students of 2n Baccalaureate A (Centre d’Estudis Jaume Balmes)

We are a group of students from the second course of Baccalaureate from the Jaume Balmes Study Centre in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. On the 4th of February we visited the various rooms of the permanent collection of the MNAC museum to see the diverse styles and works that we had worked on in class and then we made the educational visit to Unsubmissive looks, thinking about sexual diversity and desire through art.

We first took a quick tour of the Romanesque exhibition, which we examined a few days later; then we went through the Renaissance and Baroque part; then the Gothic and finally the modern art section.

After this tour we started the visit, in which we were able to actively participate by recreating works with the aim of understanding their meaning and interpreting them. With this activity we were able to learn that there are still stereotypes to be overthrown and that since ancient times the breaking of stigmas has been vindicated through artistic representations. We found it very interesting to talk about such issues as many of us belong to the LGBTIQ + community, and we were surprised that the message reached us so strongly and made us think. In this environment we felt sheltered and understood because the whole class acted as one community with the same interests, that is to say, the freeing of our feelings.

We believe that this experience can respond to our current concerns as teenagers who are looking for our identity, as we are in a time of change in which art can help us to express how we feel. And for this reason, we would recommend this visit to all the groups that come to the museum, especially groups of young people, who can use it to see art from a more inclusive perspective and close to their own.

Estudiants de 2n Batxillerat A
Centre d'Estudis Jaume Balmes

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