Between two wings, a visual and choral show

Èlia Llach

On 24th November, the artist Èlia Llach presented the show Between two wings in the Sala Oval of the Museum, with the collaboration of two entities linked to Poblenou and to Can Felipa: La Coral del Joncar and the Barcelona Estels Club. We have invited them to share the experience in the blog

The show was organised within the call for Visual Arts of the Can Felipa Civic Centre, in the exhibition that this year takes on the theme About Beauty, and within La (B) Felipa, a programme that is considered as a space for ‘experimentation, learning and production’ where artists, organizations, institutions and collectives work together to create and produce public mediation actions related to the project.

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

From the outset, the mediation project promoted the networking between the entities taking into account the interests and goals of all, in this way generating a space of joint creation so that the people involved could participate actively and creatively in the process of work and public presentation of the event. The ideas and contributions of all those involved, whether in the rehearsals with the choir at the Can Felipa theatre or in the trials with the stars in the Pavelló Municipal d’Esports dels Països Catalans de Badalona were taken into account and debated to reach an agreement.

Therefore, the Entre dues ales project (Between two wings) was reinforced by the professionalism and passion of Jordi Piccorelli, musical director of the event, who at the same time invited the Coral Lo Rossinyol of Sant Antoni de Vilamajor to participate, and of Víctor López, representative of Barcelona Estels Club, for the construction and flight of the comets.

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

From the beginning, the show aimed to put together the two groups at the moment in which the singing of the Choir and the flight of the stars were co-protagonists of a show that had to be intertwined while the action and dialogue between the two advanced. While the flight of the stars responded with different movements to the song, this raised the voice with the flight, intertwining in this way a series of situations that, thanks to the improvised music with the technique of the Soundpainting and different musical adaptations, left a clear mark on the performance during the days of the rehearsals which could be seen later on, in its public presentation.

Personal note

At a personal level, the show Entre dues ales was born with the question: can we draw with our voice, in the air?

That’s why we may have to take the words to a second sonority, to a different understanding, releasing them from everything that subjects them, preventing us from moving forward. A drawing and a voice totally committed, alive and expanding. A drawing and a voice that overflow and invade the space by drawing on their hopes, their successes and their defeats, the advent that must never cease to be celebrated.

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Between two wings. Photo: Xavi Arqués

Since time immemorial humanity has always looked skyward because it believed that it could read the signs of destiny there.  Perhaps you can draw what brings the opportunity of reconciliation between voice and air, in its fading and in its permanence, to take away the form in which drawing will never do anything else except approach a fleeting appearance.

Èlia Llach
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