Tag: participation

Love and desire at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya: the guilt-free body project

Sessió Moodboard 3

Pupils and teachers of the Plastic Arts, Image and Design Batxillerat course at the schools of the Garbí Pere Vergés Schools Foundation The project The Guilt-free Body (El cos sense culpa) enabled us to work with the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya during the 2018-19 academic year. In this article we shall explain what motivated…

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Author: Z_ Guest blogger

Two participative experiences of photography: Our Raval and audio-visual Maps of the city

El Nostre Raval

The exhibition I work the street. Joan Colom, photographs 1957-2010  has been an incentive for a group of youths and, furthermore, 11 centers that attend people with cognitive and physical disabilities, to develop a series of different photographic projects that have in common the fact of taking a close look at their most immediate urban…

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Author: Teresa González