Tag: medals

A numismatist? What’s a numismatist?/2

Maria Clua In the previous article, we saw that one of the jobs of a numismatist is to record, classify and study, but what else is done at the Gabinet Numismàtic de Catalunya (Numismatic Cabinet of Catalonia – GNC) once we have the main data and the identifying details of the piece inside the collection…

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Author: Maria Clua

A numismatist? What’s a numismatist?

Maria Clua As a general rule, whenever I am asked what I do, my reply causes a certain amount of expectation. Let me explain: – If I say, “I work in a museum,” the other person usually says, “Oh, how interesting! Which one?” – If I say, “I’m an archaeologist,” the following comment is, “How…

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Author: Maria Clua

300 years after the death of the Sun King. Art and Power in European Medals

Albert Estrada-Rius We are approaching the conclusion of the exhibition Stories in Metal: Art and Power in European medals. Today we shall be talking about the 300th anniversary of the death of the Sun King, remembered through medals. This autumn France has carried out several initiatives to commemorate, with all pomp and splendour, the 300th…

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Author: Albert Estrada-Rius