Tag: mural painting

The fresco paintings by Annibale Carracci and his assistants, conserved in the Museu Nacional: removal, transferral and shipping from Rome to Barcelona

Paz Marqués Madrid, Barcelona and Rome are the venues for a travelling exhibition curated by Andrés Úbeda, deputy director of the Museo del Prado, with the aim of bringing together an extraordinary group of paintings composed of the fragments of fresco mural paintings, which have been removed, and an altar panel. They were originally in…

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Author: Paz Marquès

Paintings in the cathedrals of Europe, congress in Pisa

Restorers, but also architects, engineers, physicists and chemists, conservators of collections, politicians, members of the church and managers, participated in the latest congress about European cathedrals which is held annually in Pisa and that, in its fourth Edition, was dedicated to the conservation of pictorial heritage. Organised by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana, the emphasis…

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Author: Mireia Mestre