Tag: museum and society

The “private life” of the museum: from the nineteen thirties to today

Montse Gumà We offer an illustrated tour in a jump of eighty years in the life of the museum.  Flicking through the issues of September, October and November of the Butlletí dels Museus d’Art de Barcelona (The Newsletter of the Art Museum of Barcelona) of 1936, which reproduce a talk given by Joaquim Folch i Torres, the first…

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Author: Montse Gumà

The challenges for today’s museums

The museums find themselves, in the heart of the 21st century, in a definitively new environment which requires them to make a profound change in the way they act and relate with society. With no doubt, museums have overcome the model based on a nineteenth century conception that defined them as deposits of heritage to be catalogued, protected and exhibited.

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Author: Pepe Serra